
This page only talks about the 64 bit part of the armv8 architecture. For an overview see armv8.

keywords: arm64, aarch64, abi

  • 64bit synonyms: arm64, aarch64
  • ISA type: RISC
  • Endianness: little, big


General purpose registers

[7:0]     [3:0]     desc
x0-x28    w0-w28    general purpose registers
x29       w29       frame pointer (FP)
x30       w30       link register (LR)
sp        wsp       stack pointer (SP)
pc                  program counter (PC)
xzr       wzr       zero register

Write to wN register clears upper 32bit.

Special registers per EL

[7:0]       desc
sp_el0      stack pointer EL0

sp_el1      stack pointer EL1
elr_el1     exception link register EL1
spsr_el1    saved process status register EL1

sp_el2      stack pointer EL2
elr_el2     exception link register EL2
spsr_el2    saved process status register EL2

sp_el3      stack pointer EL3
elr_el3     exception link register EL3
spsr_el3    saved process status register EL3

Instructions cheatsheet

Accessing system registers

Reading from system registers:

mrs x0, vbar_el1      // move vbar_el1 into x0

Writing to system registers:

msr vbar_el1, x0      // move x0 into vbar_el1

Control Flow

b <offset>    // relative forward/back branch
br <Xn>       // absolute branch to address in register Xn

// branch & link, store return address in X30 (LR)
bl <offset>   // relative forward/back branch
blr <Xn>      // absolute branch to address in register Xn

ret {Xn}      // return to address in X30, or Xn if supplied



ldr x0, [x1]                // x0 = [x1]
ldr x0, [x1, 8]             // x0 = [x1 + 8]
ldr x0, [x1, x2, lsl #3]    // x0 = [x1 + (x2<<3)]
ldr x0, [x1, w2, stxw]      // x0 = [x1 + sign_ext(w2)]
ldr x0, [x1, w2, stxw #3]   // x0 = [x1 + (sign_ext(w2)<<3)]

Shift amount can either be 0 or log2(access_size_bytes). Eg for 8byte access it can either be {0, 3}.


ldr x0, [x1, 8]!    // pre-inc : x1+=8; x0 = [x1]
ldr x0, [x1], 8     // post-inc: x0 = [x1]; x1+=8

Pair access

ldp x1, x2, [x0]    // x1 = [x0]; x2 = [x0 + 8]
stp x1, x2, [x0]    // [x0] = x1; [x0 + 8] = x2

Procedure Call Standard ARM64 (aapcs64)

Passing arguments to functions

  • Integer/Pointer arguments
    reg     arg
    x0        1
    ..       ..
    x7        8
  • Additional arguments are passed on the stack. Arguments are pushed right-to-left (RTL), meaning next arguments are closer to current sp.
    void take(..., int a9, int a10);
                       |       |   | ... |       Hi
                       |       +-->| a10 |       |
                       +---------->| a9  | <-SP  |
                                   +-----+       v
                                   | ... |       Lo

Return values from functions

  • Integer/Pointer return values
    reg          size
    x0         64 bit

Callee saved registers

  • x19 - x28
  • SP


  • full descending
    • full: sp points to the last used location (valid item)
    • descending: stack grows downwards
  • sp must be 16byte aligned when used to access memory for r/w
  • sp must be 16byte aligned on public interface interfaces

Frame chain

  • linked list of stack-frames
  • each frame links to the frame of its caller by a frame record
    • a frame record is described as a (FP,LR) pair
  • x29 (FP) must point to the frame record of the current stack-frame
          +------+                   Hi
          |   0  |     frame0        |
       +->|   0  |                   |
       |  |  ... |                   |
       |  +------+                   |
       |  |  LR  |     frame1        |
       +--|  FP  |<-+                |
          | ...  |  |                |
          +------+  |                |
          |  LR  |  |  current       |
    x29 ->|  FP  |--+  frame         v
          | ...  |                   Lo
  • end of the frame chain is indicated by following frame record (0,-)
  • location of the frame record in the stack frame is not specified

Function prologue & epilogue

  • prologue
    sub sp, sp, 16
    stp x29, x30, [sp]      // [sp] = x29; [sp + 8] = x30
    mov x29, sp             // FP points to frame record
  • epilogue
    ldp x29, x30, [sp]      // x29 = [sp]; x30 = [sp + 8]
    add sp, sp, 16

ASM skeleton

Small assembler skeleton, ready to use with following properties:

  • use raw Linux syscalls (man 2 syscall for ABI)
  • no C runtime (crt)
  • gnu assembler gas
// file: greet.S

#include <asm/unistd.h>      // syscall NRs

    .arch armv8-a

    .section .text, "ax", @progbits
    .balign 4                // align code on 4byte boundary
    .global _start
    mov x0, 2                // fd
    ldr x1, =greeting        // buf
    ldr x2, =greeting_len    // &len
    ldr x2, [x2]             // len
    mov w8, __NR_write       // write(2) syscall
    svc 0

    mov x0, 0                // exit code
    mov w8, __NR_exit        // exit(2) syscall
    svc 0

    .balign 8                // align data on 8byte boundary
    .section .rodata, "a", @progbits
    .asciz "Hi ASM-World!\n"
    .int .-greeting

man gcc: file.S assembler code that must be preprocessed.

To cross-compile and run:

> aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ -o greet greet.S -nostartfiles -nostdlib          \
    -Wl,--dynamic-linker=/usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/lib/ \
  && qemu-aarch64 ./greet
Hi ASM-World!

Cross-compiling on Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64), paths might differ on other distributions. Explicitly specifying the dynamic linker should not be required when compiling natively on arm64.
