pd <n> [@ <addr>] # print disassembly for <n> instructions
# with optional temporary seek to <addr>
fs # list flag-spaces
fs <fs> # select flag-space <fs>
f # print flags of selected flag-space
?*~<kw> # '?*' list all commands and '~' grep for <kw>
?*~... # '..' less mode /'...' interactive search
> r2 -B <baddr> <exe> # open <exe> mapped to addr <baddr>
oob <addr> # reopen current file at <baddr>
> r2 [-w] <file>
oo+ # re-open for write if -w was not passed
s <addr> # seek to position
wv <data> # write 4 byte (dword)
rasm2 -L # list supported archs
> rasm2 -a x86 'mov eax, 0xdeadbeef'
> rasm2 -a x86 -d "b8efbeadde"
mov eax, 0xdeadbeef