Plotly js
Visualization library for javascript based on d3
Official documentation is here.
Line chart example
The following is an example for a line chart which contains many options that I frequently use. It is bloated on purpose to document the options for myself.
<div id="plot-1"></div>
const commits = [ "b5a7c219", "72bb8889", "fa9e9079", "f5178ed1", "e830fa71" ]
const common_layout = {
xaxis: {
// Set range explicitly because of markers+lines mode used.
range: [0, commits.length - 1],
gridcolor: "ligthgray",
rangeslider: {},
yaxis: {
title: "runtime in sec",
// Disable interactive y-axis zoom.
fixedrange: true,
gridcolor: "ligthgray",
legend: {
orientation: "h",
x: 0,
y: 1,
modebar: {
add: [ "hoverclosest", "hovercompare" ],
remove: [ "pan", "lasso", "select", "zoomin", "zoomout" ],
// Transparent plot + paper background.
plot_bgcolor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
paper_bgcolor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
const common_config = {
// Automatically resize plot when page resizes.
responsive: true,
// Dont display the plotly logo.
displaylogo: false,
const plot_1 = document.getElementById("plot-1")
const data_10 = {
x: commits,
y: [ 10.2, 11.4, 10.5, 11.0, 10.0 ],
name: "plot 10",
mode: "lines+markers",
const data_11 = {
x: commits,
y: [ 20.2, 21.4, 20.5, 21.0, 20.0 ],
name: "plot 11",
mode: "lines+markers",
Plotly.newPlot(plot_1, [data_10, data_11], {
title: "plot-1",
}, common_config)
plot_1.on("plotly_click", data => {
if (data.points.length == 1) {
// Change page to following url.
window.location = "" + data.points[0].x
} else {
console.log("ignore click event, multiple elements selected")